International Women's Day 2024

10 Ways for organizations to attract and retain Women and Gender Diverse Talent.

Organizations looking to become more attractive to women and gender-diverse candidates—and retain such talent—must take intentional steps. 

Here are ten effective strategies with examples of organizations that are doing it right! 

 1. Revise Hiring Practices

Utilize gender-neutral language in job descriptions to avoid deterring applicants based on gender.

Implement diverse interview panels that reflect the organization's commitment to diversity, ensuring candidates see themselves represented.

2. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Establish ERGs such as "Women in Tech" or “Gender and Sexuality Alliances” to provide support networks and define a clear purpose for community and allyship within the organization.

 3. Inclusive Language and Communications

Expand beyond simply avoiding gender-specific terms like "guys" to embrace fully inclusive language that acknowledges and respects all gender identities in all forms of communication.

 4. Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Provide gender-neutral bathrooms equipped with feminine hygiene products and pain relief options like ibuprofen or hot water bottles, ensuring comfort and inclusivity for everyone.

 5. Salary Equity

Stay informed and compliant with laws regarding salary equity. Regularly conduct salary audits to ensure fairness and equity across all genders.

 6. Shake up Leadership

Actively work towards including women and gender-diverse individuals in leadership roles. Representation in leadership not only inspires but also ensures diverse perspectives in decision-making.

 7. Revised Policies and Benefits

Review and update company policies and benefits to explicitly cover the needs of trans and gender-diverse employees, ensuring inclusivity and support for all.

 8. Maternity Leave

Offer generous maternity leave policies, including top-ups beyond the minimum government standards, to support employees through significant life changes.

 9. Mentorship Programs

Develop mentorship and advancement programs aimed at fast-tracking the career progression of women and gender-diverse employees, providing them with the tools and support needed to succeed.

10. Set and Share Diversity Goals

Clearly define and publicly share diversity goals, ensuring transparency in your commitment to diversity. Include women and gender-diverse individuals in setting these goals and in ongoing discussions about progress and strategies.

Who does this well? Accenture
Accenture has made significant strides in gender diversity and inclusion, aiming for a gender-balanced workforce by 2025. (Although they haven’t updated their website analytics since 2022). They offer extensive maternity and parental leave benefits.

Who does this well? Salesforce
Salesforce has been praised for its commitment to equality and inclusion, including conducting regular pay audits to address any gender pay gaps and implementing comprehensive diversity and inclusion strategies. They also offer generous parental leave policies and have active employee resource groups (ERGs) supporting women and LGBTQ+ employees.

Who does this well? Unilever

Unilever has made significant progress towards achieving gender balance across its global operations, with a strong focus on mentorship and leadership development for women. They have implemented inclusive policies and benefits that support gender diversity and family needs.

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